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This study aims to determine the form of social media at the Khas Parapat Hotel and its influence on the decision to stay at the Khas Parapat Hotel. This research is motivated by technological developments forcing companies to communicate with consumers. collected from survey data and then processed using SPPS Ver 25 software. SPSS produces an adjustment value of 0.526 or equal to 52% of stay decisions are influenced by social media, while the remaining 46.9% is influenced by factors other than social media. Promotion through social media affects the company's efforts to maximize sales. If not supported by social media advertising, sales will not reach the target. As for suggestions to the Hotel; Typical of Parapat hotels on how to improve upload quality, and maximize Posts. Make criticisms and suggestions as content improvements to make it more interesting and attract guests to stay. Make documentation reviews and recommendations to review and develop what areas need to be improved so that consumers who buy products and services are satisfied.


Keywords: Social network, stay decision


Media Sosial Keputusan Menginap

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How to Cite
Sinaga, C. (2023). The Influence of Social Media on Guest Stay Decisions at the Khas Parapat Hotel. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa, 1(3). Retrieved from