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The research to be achieved by the author aims to determine supervision at The Reiz Suites
Medan, to determine the work discipline of employees at The Reiz Suites Medan and to
determine the effect of supervision on employee work discipline at The Reiz Suites Medan. This
type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population is all 22 employees of The Reiz
Suites Medan. Supervision at The Reiz Suites Medan is the duty of a leader so that all employees
are able to carry out activities according to company standards, employees do their work
according to company standards so that there are no mistakes. Supervision at The Reiz Suites
Medan has been carried out effectively and in accordance with the characteristics of effective
supervision, namely supervision is carried out accurately, timely, objectively and thoroughly,
centered on strategic control points, flexible and acceptable to members of the organization.
Employee work discipline at The Reiz Suites Medan has been implemented properly according
to the discipline indicators, namely obeying the time rules, obeying company regulations,
obeying the rules of behavior at work, and obeying other regulations in the company.
The effect of supervision on employee work discipline at The Reiz Suites Medan can be seen
from the coefficient of determination (R-Square) which is 0.783. This value can be interpreted
that the supervision variable is able to influence discipline 78.3%, the remaining 21.7% is
explained by other variables or factors.
Keywords: Supervision and Work Discipline

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How to Cite
Br Maha, S. A. (2022). Pengaruh Pengawasan Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Karyawan Di The Reiz Suites Medan. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa, 1(1), 40–48. Retrieved from